These are the things you are doing wrong to reach a toned body . Know the right way here :

Hey beauties …….Welcome back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So how many of you have been trying to lose weight and get a toned body????Maybe……..All of you , right?So today I ‘m just here to correct your mistakes .

Lets began!!!!

1. Dieting and fasting for a long time

If you are someone you just have watched some youtube videos and have bought some diet food for yourself and fasting then let me tell you its completely wrong . The thing that you are losing with this method is your muscle and not your fat and As soon as you start having the normal food you would probably get the double fat that you even didn’t have before . The reason is that when you exercise you body needs more nutritious food and more carbohydrates then before and fasting or dieting does not help you with that .

Instead : Eat food which has more nutritions in it . Don’t be much influence by foreign culture and stick to your genes ….stick to what you already have taken before .

2. Ignoring sugar the wrong way

Many of us already know about the harmful effects of sugar on our health and we are trying very hard to ignore even one tsp of sugar in our daily life but what instead we are doing is ………..We’ve been having cold drinks like coke , pepsi , or else soda . But Did you know : One glass of cold drink can have upto eight spoonful of sugar !!!!!! Yes it is true can you believe we have been trying not to add even one spoon of sugar in any beverage but we are having a drink which has messed all our efforts .

3. Lying on bed the whole day

How many of you have exercised or did yoga in the morning but is still lying on the bed, huh? Almost everyone ………..but this is something that just ruins all your hard work . So from next time just be active the whole day to see magical effects.

4. Maintaining unhealthy gut

Gut health is as important as anything else . Make sure that you drink enough water and eat nutritious food to maintain a clean healthy gut .

So that’s all ….Please comment down to share your thoughts

Hope it helps

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